Thursday, 22 November 2012

Additional revision notes

Chapter 10 slides uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 10 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Wireless LAN summary slides uploaded

This is only for revision purpose. You should read the textbook as well.

Chapter 11 slides uploaded

Summary slides for NWF phase test

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 11 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Wireless slides uploaded

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Please revise using these slides and the thin textbook

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Chapter 9 slides uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 9 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Class Test Revision Notes

Monday, 8 October 2012

Subnetting Chart

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Chapter 8 slides uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 8 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Chapter 7 slides uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 7 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Chapter 6 slides uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 6 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Today's subnetting exercise

Complete everything by end of lesson.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Today's assignment

Configure the network so that
1) for router to router connection, the left router will have the lowest ip address and the right router will have the 2nd lowest ip address within the same subnet
2) for router to PC connection, the router will have the highest ip address and the PC will have the lowest ip address within the same subnet

Commands used

For DCE serial cable (example),
router> enable
router# conf t
router(config)# interface s0/0/0
router(config-if)# ip address
router(config-if)# clock rate 56000
router(config-if)# no shutdown

For other cables (example),
router> enable
router# conf t
router(config)# interface fa0/0
router(config-if)# ip address
router(config-if)# no shutdown

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Important points for chapter 5

At the transport layer, TCP and UDP ensure reliable or unreliable end to end communications and directing the traffic to the correct application using port numbers

At the network layer, IP ensure that both source and destination are identified by IP addresses

The segment (TCP + Data or UDP + Data) is encapsulated by the IP header to form a packet.

At the network layer, there are various protocols IPv4, IPv6, Appletalk and IPx. For this module we focus on IPv4.

IPv4 is connectionless (does not establish connection, the sender and receiver does not know when they will get their next packet) and best effort delivery (no g'teed of reliable packet delivery, different packets may take different paths). It is media independent (can travel through cooper cable, optical fibre, radio etc)

The most important information in the IP header is Source Address, Destination Address, TTL and Service Type. Fragment Offset inform the user if the packet is part of a larger packet.

A switch extend the broadcast domain while a router divide the broadcast domain.

A network is often divided into sub-networks for a few reasons - To increase security and restrict access from other sub-networks or to reduce the broadcast domain so that broadcasts are contained.

Hosts within the same network may know how to communicate with one another. However, in order to access external networks, a default gateway must be used.The default gateway is another name for the router. The router accepts ip packets, analyze its destination address and determine how to forward the packet.

The ip address is divided into 2 portions. The network portion and the host portion. The network portion is used for routing by the router while the host portion is used to identify the hosts.

As long as the packets are destined for external networks, the packets are forward to the nearest router.

In the routing table, the destination network addresses and the next hop address or exit interfaces are indicated. When a packet arrive, the frame is stripped and the packet is extracted. The destination ip address is analyzed and compared to the routing table. If there is a match, then the frame is re-encapsulated and send to the correct interface. If there is no match, the packet is dropped.

There are 3 types of routes - static routes, dynamic routes and default routes. Static routes are manually configured by users, dynamic routes are created by routing protocols while default routes are created by users and are often known as routes of the last resort.

Chapter 5 slides uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 5 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Today's lab

Monday, 30 July 2012

Important points for Chapter 4

The purpose of the transport layer is to ensure that data travel successfully from one end to another end across the network. The port numbers indicate the application the data belongs to. At the transport layer, the port numbers are added into or removed from the original data

When the client communicate to the HTTP server, the well known port 80 is used as the destination port. For the source port, the PC will assign a random port number. The address and port number combination forms a socket. The port numbers are reversed on the return path.

In the transport layer, there are two types of protocols

The slow and steady protocol
TCP is a reliable protocol which sequence data packets before sending and acknowledge it once the packets are received. Due to the amount of acknowledgements needed, it is too slow for streaming applications. It is useful for application which requires accurate and reliable data.
Window size - Max number of bytes received before sending ack
Sequencing - Data packets are arranged in the right order after receiving

The fast and furious protocol
UDP is a non reliable protocol which has no sequence numbers or acks. The main purpose of this protocol is to allow fast data transmission. Packet loss during transmission are ignored by the end devices.

The key information at transport layer is the port numbers. The port numbers indicate the data belong to which application. For example, port 25 is SMTP and it is used by the email client. On the other hand, port number 53 is DNS and it is used by the resolver nslookup to resolve domain names.

In order for applications to send and receive data concurrently across the network, we need to multiplex the data. By multiplexing the data, we mean that the data is divided into segments and and take turns to be transported across the network. This appears to the user that the application are running concurrently.

To start a TCP session, the end devices need to perform a 3 way handshake. For UDP session, it is not needed. TCP reorder packets while UDP does not reorder. If there are packet losses during transmission, TCP request for retransmission while UDP does not.

When connected to servers running on TCP or UDP, the well known ports are used while random ports are assigned to the PCs.

Chapter 4 slides uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 3 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Monday, 23 July 2012

Important points for Chapter 3

Application layer is the starting point and the ending point of data communication

When data is transmitted, data will be processed through various layers of the OSI model. This is known as Encapsulation. Headers are added.

When data is received, data will be processed through the same layers of the OSI model. This is known as De-encapsulation. Headers are removed.

Devices at 2 points must adopt the same communications model, different models do not work

Application layer has 3 entities - Applications, Services and Protocols
Applications - Microsoft Outlook, FileZilla, LimeWire, Bearshare
Protocols - Rules to govern the transmission of data
Services - Combination of Application and Protocols to provide services such as email, files upload and messaging.

As we know that the OSI model is a reference model while the TCP/IP model is a protocol model, the application layers at both models are related. The application, presentation and session layers at the OSI model is equal to the application layer at the TCP/IP model. The main reason is due to legacy issues as OSI model is developed after TCP/IP model and encompass more features compared to the latter model.

The various protocols for the application layer are DNS, HTTP, SMTP, POP, DHCP. All these protocols are important for your tests and exams

Most application layer protocols followed the client server model. The client sends a resource request to the server and the server will process the request and allocate the resources and send a response back to the client. Usually there is one server connected to multiple clients

For telnet, the server is running a daemon which actively listen to telnet requests from clients. When there is a request, the server will create a child process to handle the telnet session. This way, the server is able to monitor various clients at the same time.

Peer to peer networking model is different as any PC can be both client and server at the same time. Information is processed simulataneously at both ends and the transmission is full duplex.

Main function of DNS is the resolve domain names to ip addresses. When a user enter a domain name into the browser, the domain name is passed to the resolver (nslookup). The resolver will query the domain server for the correct ip address, if it is found then the ip address is passed to the PC. The PC will direct the data packets using the ip address.

HTTP is responsible for reliable transmission for web data from one end to another. It is achieved by means of POST and GET requests to the web server.

SMTP is used to send and forward mail information. MUA is your email software while MTA is used as a forwarder to forward email information to the right email server. The MDA is used to store your email on the server before it is transferred to the MUA. The MUA will retrieve email from the MDA using POP.

Telnet is used to create remote access to a particular device. The transmission is using in plaintext and is not secure. Nowadays, we used SSH (secure shell) to perform remote access.

SMB (Server Message Block) is a protocol which is used for folder and file sharing over the network. It is used mainly for Microsoft Windows. It follows a server and client model

Gnutella, on the other hand, is a protocol for folder and file sharing over the network using the peer networking model. It is used by bearshare and limewire. There is another protocol known as BitTorrent which is also peer to peer.

DHCP is used for dynamic assignment of ip addreses to clients. The four main messages in a DHCP exchange are DHCPDISCOVER, DHCPOFFER, DHCPREQUEST, DHCPACK. For a large enterprise network, having DHCP will remove a lot of manual work needed to configure ip addresses.

Need to remember the port numbers.

Chapter 3 slides uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 3 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Important points for Chapter 2


1) Distance = mm, cm, m, km (unit of measure)
    Networking = Data, Segment, Packet, Frame, Signal (unit of measure or Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

2) Typical structure 

preamble + source mac address + dest mac address + source ip address + dest ip address + source port + dest port + data
3) Data + Ports = Segment
    Segment + IP addresses = Packet
    Packet + Mac addresses = Frame
    Frame + Preamble or Synchronization bits = Signal

4) End users use data to make decisions
    End devices use ports (inside segments) to transfer data to the correct applications
    Routers use IP addresses (inside packets) to route packets to the right network
    Switches use Mac address (inside frames) to forward frames
    Repeaters/hubs boost signals

5) Routers and switches has multiple ports and hence, multiple IP and Mac addresses
     PC has only one NIC card and therefore, only one IP and one Mac addresses

6) Information is transmitted in chunks over the internet so that multiple devices can use the internet at the same time. This process is known as multiplexing.

7) Role of an end device is to create data, send and receive data within the network. Example of end devices are PC/laptop/servers. They are mainly classified as servers and clients. Clients send requests to servers. Servers process requests from clients and send replies back to clients.

8)  Role of an intermediary device to ensure smooth data flow by transferring data from one point to another.  They are the middlemen in the network. Examples are routers/switches/hubs/repeaters.

9) By having a common protocol between different networks (such as WiFi, Internet, 3G), devices can communicate with one another seamlessly. This process is transparent to the users. It is like using English in different countries (USA, Australia, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand). Different people can communicate if they understand the same language.

10) Recall OSI model has 7 layers (Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Datalink and Physical). This is a textbook model called reference model. OSI model is the mother of all models.

Application - Data
Presentation - JPG, HTML, MPEG
Session - Duplex, Half duplex and Simplex transmission
Transport - Segments containing ports
Network - Packets containing IP addresses
Datalink - Frames containing Mac addresses
Physical - Signals with preamble

11) Recall TCP/IP model has 4 layers (Application, Transport, Internet and Network Access). This is a working model called protocol model.

Application - Data
Transport - Segments containing ports
Internet - Packets containing IP addresses
Network Access - Frames containing Mac addresses

12) For 2 devices to communicate with each other, they have to adopt the same model (such as TCP/IP model)

Important points for Chapter 1

1) The function of a router is to connect different LANs and WANs together, providing the best paths to these networks. The function of a switch is to connect multiple end devices together within the same LAN. The function of a hub is the same as the switch but it is a slower version of a switch. The function of a repeater is to boost up the signals over large distances. The function of end devices (PCs, laptop and mobile phones) is to create data, send and receive them.

2) Serial cables are used to connect WANs and they are used only by routers. Ethernet cables are used to connect LANs and they are used by all devices.

3) 3 types of ethernet cables - Straight through, crossover and rollover cables
    Same devices use crossover cables to connect
    Different devices use straight through cables to connect
    Special case :  Router to PC, Switch to Hub uses crossover cables although they are different devices.

4) WAN - covers wide geographical distance and use only serial cables
     LAN - covers small geographical distance and use only ethernet cables

5) 4 elements of a network
    Devices (Routers, Switches, Hubs and End devices), Medium (Ethernet cables and serial cables), Messages (Data, Segment, Packet, Frame) , Rules (TCP and UDP protocols)

6) 4 characteristics of a network
    Fault tolerance, Scalability, Quality of Service and Security

7) We also go through how to use packet tracer (how to connect the devices, setting the PC ip addresses)

Summary of different modes and hostname/password commands


For NWF, there are 3 main modes for now

User mode (denoted by the ">" sign)


Priviledged mode (denoted by the "#" sign)

Router> enable

Global config mode (denoted by the "(config)#")

Router# configure terminal or conf t (short form)
Router (config)#

To return to the previous mode, type exit

For example, to return to user mode from global config mode, use the following

Router (config)# exit
Router# exit
Router >

There are 4 passwords you will need to configure in the router.

1) Console password - The password you used when you first log in to the router. There is only one console session which is numbered "0"

router(config)# line console 0
router(config)# password XXX
router(config)# login

Remember to type login to activate the password

2) Enable password - The PLAINTEXT password you used after you type "enable"

router(config)# enable password XXX

3) Enable password - The ENCRYPTED password you used after you type "enable". Cisco router will use it instead of the PLAINTEXT password.

router(config)# enable secret XXX

4) Telnet password - The password you used when you telnet into the router (seldom used in NWF). There are 5 telnet sessions supported, which are numbered from "0" to "4".

router(config)# line vty 0 4
router(config)# password XXX
router(config)# login

Remember to type login to activate the password

To configure hostname, use the command

router (config)# hostname XXX

Knowing all these will help you score good grades in the semester later on.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Practice Lab 1

This is the practice lab for today. You are required to connect the devices together according to the stated ports. You need to set the hostname and passwords for the fresh router. In addition, you need to change the hostname and passwords for the preconfigured router.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Chapter 2 slides uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 2 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Chapter 1 slides uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 1 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Welcome PL1201B to Networking Fundamentals !

Hi PL1201B, all materials pertaining to IT2020PA Networking Fundamentals will be posted here

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Exam Preparation II

From Cisco Netacademy

From Test King (Choose topic 1 and 4)

Will go through some of them in class

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Chapter 10 learning materials uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 10 are as follows:

Instructor Slides
Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Chapter 8 learning materials uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 8 are as follows:

Instructor Slides
Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Exam Preparation

From Cisco Netacademy

From Test King (Choose topic 1 and 4)

Will go through some of them in class

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Students' network diagrams

Now that we are coming towards the end of our course, here are the networks constructed by some of you. (Courtesy of Zhihao) (Courtesy of Joel) (Courtesy of Lambert) (Courtesy of Boon Wei, without network addresses)

Please spend some time over the weekend to practise configuring on them, especially those participating in Netrider competition on 20th September.

Monday, 7 May 2012


A lot of students are confused by redistribution. Actually in a nutshell, it is just borrowing routes from other protocols and advertising them as your own routes. Why borrowing? Sometimes you are merging the networks of two different organizations (one running on EIGRP and another running on OSPF). Generally people are resistant to changes and do not want to change their networks to cater for the other party. Thus, redistribution is useful in this scenario here. You only need to make changes on the network boundaries or border router (converting EIGRP to OSPF routes and vice versa). This way, it enables networks running on different routing protocols to work with one another in a seamless manner.

For the border router, you need to run the following commands (assuming a border router with 3 different routing protocols and static routes configured)

router eigrp xx
redistribute rip metric 10000 100 255 1 1500
redistribute ospf xx metric 10000 100 255 1 1500
redistribute static metric 10000 100 255 1 1500

router rip
redistribute ospf xx metric 1
redistribute eigrp xx metric 1
redistribute static metric 1

router ospf xx
redistribute eigrp xx metric 1 subnets
redistribute rip metric 1 subnets
redistribute static metric 1 subnets

The values used are default values. It will be useful to rememeber them.

Static Route Basic/Challenge

Here is your basic/challenge

Remember these subnet masks
/24 -
/28 -
/30 -

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Chapter 11 learning materials uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 11 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz

Thursday, 3 May 2012

OSPF in a nutshell

Packet Types
Database Description
Link State Request
Link State Update - 7 other Link State Advertisements
Link State Ack

Initial State
Router send hello packets
To achieve adjacency, need same hello interval, dead interval (4 hello intervals) and network types
DR/BDR election

For multiaccess networks or point to point network, need to elect DR and BDR and DROTHERs

This is to reduce the number of routing messages sent.

DR/BDR election
Refer to priority (default = 1)
If same, refer to router-id
If unavailable, refer to highest loopback address
If unavailable, refer to highest active physical address


sh ip ospf neighbor - show neighbor table (unique)
sh ip ospf database - show topology table (same)
sh ip route - show routing table (unique)
sh ip protocols

For the new router id to take effect, use clear ip ospf process to restart the process
To make sure that router to come up as DR/BDR, switch them on first

Cost = 100,000,000 / Bandwidth

Use the default bandwidth (100 Mbps or 1.544 Mbps), can change via
1) bandwidth xxx (change bandwidth)
2) ip ospf cost xxx (change cost)

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Chapter 9 learning materials uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 9 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Chapter 2 revision notes

Static routes are used in
1) Stub networks
2) Small networks with very few routers
3) Hub and spoke topology
4) Direct connection to the ISP

Advantages of static routes
1) Easy to configure
2) Do not use up much bandwidth or CPU resources

Disadvantages of static routes
1) Need to reconfigure everytime the network changes

How to configure static routes

router (config) # ip route <network address> <subnet mask> <exit interface/next hop address>

network address is the address of the destination network
subnet mask is the subnet mask used by the destination network

exit interface - outgoing interface (faster lookup) (for point to point network)
next hop address - address of the neighbour router (slower lookup) (multiple access network)

Serial cables has DCE and DTE portions. DCE is connected to the ISP while DTE is connected to the router. DCE need to setup the clockrate IN THE LAB ONLY.

How to analyze a route in the routing table

R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0

R - type of route - network  address
120 -  administrative distance
1 - metric - next hop address
00:00:19 - elapsed time
serial 0/0/0 - exit interface

Administrative distance of connected route = 0
Administrative distance of static route = 1
Administrative distance of RIP = 120

Summary route is used to summarize routes with the same next hop address or exit interface

For example,
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0

Can be summarized to

R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0

Summary routes reduce routing entries and thus, making lookup faster. Lookup faster would mean routing faster.

Default routes are a form of static routes. They can be used for stub networks or last choice routes.

S* is directly connected, Serial0/0/0

They match all packets

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Chapter 1 revision notes

Main components of a router
1) CPU
2) ROM (Permanent)
3) RAM (Erase upon reboot)
4) NVRAM (Erase by user)
5) Flash (Erase by user)

Type of interfaces
1) Management ports - console and auxiliary
2) LAN interfaces - serial (DB60, smart serial)
3) WAN interfaces - fastethernet, ethernet (RJ45)

Contents of a router
1) ROM - Bootstrap, diagnostic and mini IOS
2) RAM - routing table, arp cache, running config, packet buffer
3) NVRAM - startup config
4) Flash - compressed IOS

Boot up sequence
2) Bootstrap
3) Locate and load IOS
    - Flash
    - TFTP
    - Mini IOS
4) Locate and load startup config
    - NVRAM
    - TFTP
    - Setup mode
5) Startup config in NVRAM is copied as running config in RAM

Main functions of a router
1) Best path determination
2) Packet switching - decapsulate (Remove old mac addresses), lookup routing table, encapsulate (Add new mac addresses)
3) IP addresses remains the same throughout.

Monday, 12 March 2012

INTT class test revision slides

Hope this will aid you in your revision.

I also want you to complete the second set of questions during the term break. Hope you do not need to work part time during that time.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Presentation reminder

Please take note that your slides (at least 10 pages) are supposed to be in Microsoft Powerpoint and your one page summary is supposed to be in Microsoft Word.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Your most favourite class test preparation

As mentioned on Thursday, the game plan for next week is

Wednesday - Present Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Powerpoint slides.
                      Submit your one page summary.
                      Go through Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Class Test Prep

Thursday - Present Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 Powerpoint slides.
                  Submit your one page summary.
                  Go through Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 Class Test Prep

Thursday - Present Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 Powerpoint slides.
                  Submit your one page summary.
                  Go through Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 Class Test Prep

Class Test Preparation Set

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Chapter 7 learning materials uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 7 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz.

Chapter 7 instructor slides uploaded

Here are your favourite keypoint slides

Monday, 5 March 2012

RIPv2 demo files uploaded

Hopefully you guys will remember the lessons learnt from these examples.

Presentation Assignment

Hi All,

Here is your presentation assignment. Please be reminded that you need to come up with at least 10 slides and at least 1 page summary.

Chapter 1 Introduction to Routing and Packet Forwarding
Joanna, Nachiya, Asyib, Sean, Prasad
Chapter 2 Static Routes
Lionel, Joel, Desmond, Rickson
Chapter 3 Introduction to Dynamic Routing Protocols
Ikram, Didik, Chester, Nurul, Haziq, Haikal, Haiqal
Chapter 4 Distance Vector Routing Protocols
Zhihao, Maria, Mickey, Eddy, Glenn, Lambert
Chapter 5 RIPv1
Junhui, Huixiang,Alson, Jermyn, Darren, Joseph
Chapter 6 VLSM and CIDR
Kelvin, Boon Wei, Steven, Boon Choon, Janzen, Teck Wei

Please let me know if you have any queries. The presentation shall start next Wednesday.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Different types of routes

In INTT, there are 5 types of routes
1) Connected routes
2) Static routes
3) Dynamic routes
4) Summary routes
5) Default routes

1) Connected routes are routes which are automatically created in the routing table upon entering the following commands to configure the interfaces

conf t
int fax/x or sx/x/x
ip address <host address> <subnet mask>
no shut

As long as the interfaces are configured in the router and are shown to be up and running, the router will assume that the interfaces belong to active subnets which are directly connected and thus, they create connected routes to them. Connected routes have a AD of 0 which is the highest in terms of trustworthiness in Cisco routers.

2) Static routes are routes which are created manually by operators. It is often denoted in the format as shown

ip route <destination network address> <subnet mask> <exit interface/next hop address>

In Newton's third law of motion where action and reaction are equal and opposite, we can infer that for every static path we create, there should be a reverse path. It is because most devices exchange requests and responses and there is a need for bi-directional paths. In choosing whether to use exit interfaces or next hop addresses, there are a few points to note. Firstly, static routes based on exit interfaces have faster lookup than next hop addresses. However, exit interfaces are more useful for serial point to point connections where there is only one device at each end. For ethernet networks, it is better to use next hop addresses to prevent flooding. Static routes AD is 1, which is less trustworthy than connected routes

3) Dynamic routes are routes created by the routers automatically. They do it by activating dynamic routing protocols. These protocols help the routers to advertise their directly connected networks to other routers using routing updates. They also calculate the best paths from these routing updates and place them inside the routing table. For RIP, the commands are as follows

router rip
network <directly connected network #1>
network <directly connected network #2>

For INTT, we learning about RIPv1 which is classful routing protocols and RIPv2, OSPF, EIGRP which are classless routing protocols. Classful routing protocols advertise their network addresses only while classless routing protocols advertise their network addresses and subnet masks. More details will be covered in my classes later on.

3) Summary routes are routes which combine various routes into a single route. This reduces the size of the routing table and makes routing faster. The tradeoff is that accurarcy of routing will be compromised as unwanted ip addresses get forwarded instead of dropped while using summarization.

4) Default routes are routes of the last resort. When the packets have no matching routing entries, the default route is used to forward the packets. Once a default route is created, no packets will be dropped by the router. All packets with unknown destinations will be forward through s0/0/0, in the case below.

ip route s0/0/0

In case of a stub router, default routes can be used to summarized all the routes into one route.

Chapter 4 instructor slides uploaded

Here is the keypoint slides for chapter 4.

Chapter 4 learning materials uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 4 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Convergence Test

Remove the subnet from the network and observe how convergence takes place.

You can pick any router and execute the following commands - display ip route, debug ip rip.

Monday, 20 February 2012

VLSM Exercises

Please try out these exercises which I have downloaded from the Internet. :)

I will go through them probably on Wednesday or Friday.

Good job, everyone ! Here are the solutions. Seems like most students can complete the questions within an hour.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Subnetting and supernetting questions and answers

Given, divide the class B major network into

1) 2 equal subnets and list all the network addresses/new subnet mask

    Answer: and

2) 4 equal subnets and list all the network addresses/new subnet mask


3) 8 equal subnets and list all the network addresses/new subnet mask


   Note: Every additional bit you use for subnetting will cause the number of subnets to double and the  number of hosts per subnet to halve.

Given the subnet address and divide further into

4) 2 equal subnets and list all the network addresses/new subnet mask
    Answer: and

    Note: You can divide a chosen subnet (not restricted to major classful networks only) to obtain more smaller subnets.

5) Determine's number of subnets and hosts supported

    Answer: 1 subnet and 254 hosts per subnet

6) Determine's number of subnets and hosts supported

    Answer: 2 subnets and 126 hosts per subnet

7) Determine's number of subnets and hosts supported

    Answer: 4 subnets and 62 hosts per subnet

    Note: The more subnets you have, the more network addresses and broadcast addresses you need to reserve from the original classful major network.

8) Summarize the following into 1 single summary route


9) Summarize the following into 1 single summary route


Note: Summary routes make the routing table smaller and the lookup faster.

Chapter 6 instructor slides uploaded

This slides covers the keypoints of chapter 6.

Please refer to the 3 sets of slides for more information.

Chapter 6 learning materials uploaded

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 6 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Instructor slides uploaded

These slides cover the main points of chapter 5 only. Please refer to the 3 sets of detailed slides for more information.
Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 5 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Static route test next week

There will be a static route test next Wednesday.

Special assignment solution

HQ Router

Router>sh ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP
       i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area
       * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR
       P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 5 subnets, 2 masks
S is directly connected, Serial0/0/1
S is directly connected, Serial0/0/0
C is directly connected, Serial0/0/0
C is directly connected, Serial0/0/1
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1

Branch 1 Router

Router>sh ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP
       i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area
       * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR
       P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is to network is subnetted, 3 subnets
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1
C is directly connected, Serial0/0/0
S* is directly connected, Serial0/0/0

Branch 2 Router

Router>sh ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP
       i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area
       * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR
       P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is to network is subnetted, 3 subnets
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0
C is directly connected, Serial0/0/1
S* is directly connected, Serial0/0/1

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

You are welcome to post on the blog

Dear readers,

If you have any questions, you are welcome to post on the blog. I will try to answer within 24 hours.

Lab 3.5.2 submission

The following people has submitted their lab exercise

1) Zhihao
2) Eddy
3) Steven
4) Glenn
5) Joel
6) Micky
7) Huixiang
8) Junhui
9) Boon Wei
10) Kelvin

The rest of the class can submit by this Thursday :) It is okay to try and fail along the way, at least you learn something out of it. It beats not trying at all.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Chapter 3 Instructor Slides

As usual, please read these slides for general understanding. Refer to the detailed slides for true understanding and exam/test preparation.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Chapter 3 Reading Materials

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 3 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz.

Steps in designing a computer network

1) Determine the physical network layout
2) List down the network address and default subnet mask
3) Determine the minimum subnets and hosts per subnet to be supported
4) If you are implementing subnetting, you need a new subnet mask.
5) Use 2^N and 2^H-2 to determine the subnet bits and hosts bits to use
4) Derive the new subnet mask.
5) List down the network addresses, range of usable host ip addresses and broadcast addresses
6) Assign the network addresses to each LAN segment
7) Assign and configure the host ip addresses to the host devices in each LAN segment

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Your lab practice for today/tomorrow

Please click on the link below and setup the network as shown in the diagram.

You are required to setup all routers with the hostname and passwords. All PCs should be able to ping one another.

Good luck.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Chapter 2 Reading Materials

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 2 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz.

After learning NWF and INTT, you become IP Man (叶问)

In this network,

You configure static routes such that when you ping PC1 to PC2, the ICMP request packets travel from Router A, Router B and Router D. On the other hand, the ICMP reply packets travel from Router D, Router C and Router A. The forward and return paths are different. This is known as assymetric routing. Kungfu routing.

Try this during the next lesson.

Monday, 16 January 2012

When mistakes are made....

Mistakes are made so that you can learn from them. In the process, you gain better insights so that you will not repeat them when you move on to higher level of study or go out to work. Usually when mistakes are made, you tend to remember them longer than just mere memorization of facts. Hence, it is important that you keep an open mind towards learning, have no fear about making mistakes during the course of learning, learn to think beyond the content and ask why or why not things can be done in different ways. It is the quality of your thoughts that counts, not the quantity of details which you memorized and almost surely, forget one month after the exam.

Learning by questioning, learning by doing, learning by teaching others

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Help needed

PC1 is a lab PC situated in College East and PC3 is a result server situated in College West.

Download the network file and open in packet tracer

The hacker group Anonymous@CE want to used PC1 and hack into the PC3 in College West to steal exam results. The problem is they cannot ping to PC3 at all. They manage to steal the routers' login passwords from Singtel and engage the students from PL1101Q to configure the static routes to access PC3.

Hint: Need to configure forward and reverse static routes from PC1 to PC3 in order for both to be pingable.

Good luck !

*Disclaimer - This is a mock scenario for learning purposes.*

Instructor's slides

Hi All,

The slides used for the theory lessons are uploaded here :
These slides only cover the key points and students are expected to read the 3 sets of slides uploaded previously for more information.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Chapter 1 Reading Materials

Hello ! The presentation slides for Chapter 1 are as follows:

Summary Slides (Beginner)
Slightly Detailed Slides (Intermediate)
Detailed Slides (Advanced)

Follow your skill level and go through the slides. If you feel comfortable, go through the higher level slides as well and finally, attempt the quiz.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Lab 1.5.1 Status

The following people has completed their labs.

- Jun Hui
- Haziq
- Joseph
- Boon Wei
- Zhi Hao
- Chester
- Steven
- Micky
- Didik
- Eddy
- Haikal
- Glen
- Haiqal

To the rest, please try to complete by Thursday 12/1/2012 :)

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Basic Router Configuration

I have uploaded a summary of the basic router commands covered in my previous lesson.

Basic Router IOS commands

Thursday, 5 January 2012

CCNA Quick Reference Guide

I have uploaded CCNA Quick Reference Guide. Please access the file using this URL.

CCNA Quick Reference Guide

This is a good supplementary learning material to your offical course materials. Please take note that not all chapters is relevant for your studies.

Packet Tracer v5.3.2 download

Your favourite application is available for download here.

Packet Tracer

Cisco e-learning materials can be downloaded from here.

To make things easier for students, I have upload the course materials for Internetwork Technology module here

Internetworking Technology Notes

Please perform the following steps.
1) Download and double click the file. It will uncompress the 30 MB+ course materials into your local machine.
2) Restart your computer.
3) Upon successful restart, go to the start menu, click on "All Programs" and click on "Cisco Networking Academy"
4) Select  "Exploration_2" to start viewing the course materials.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Commencement of this blog

Hi all,

This blog is created as a placeholder for all learning materials pertaining to IT3020PA Internetworking Technology and IT2020PA Networking Fundamentals modules conducted by ITE EIT ICT.