Monday, 9 April 2012

Chapter 2 revision notes

Static routes are used in
1) Stub networks
2) Small networks with very few routers
3) Hub and spoke topology
4) Direct connection to the ISP

Advantages of static routes
1) Easy to configure
2) Do not use up much bandwidth or CPU resources

Disadvantages of static routes
1) Need to reconfigure everytime the network changes

How to configure static routes

router (config) # ip route <network address> <subnet mask> <exit interface/next hop address>

network address is the address of the destination network
subnet mask is the subnet mask used by the destination network

exit interface - outgoing interface (faster lookup) (for point to point network)
next hop address - address of the neighbour router (slower lookup) (multiple access network)

Serial cables has DCE and DTE portions. DCE is connected to the ISP while DTE is connected to the router. DCE need to setup the clockrate IN THE LAB ONLY.

How to analyze a route in the routing table

R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0

R - type of route - network  address
120 -  administrative distance
1 - metric - next hop address
00:00:19 - elapsed time
serial 0/0/0 - exit interface

Administrative distance of connected route = 0
Administrative distance of static route = 1
Administrative distance of RIP = 120

Summary route is used to summarize routes with the same next hop address or exit interface

For example,
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0

Can be summarized to

R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0

Summary routes reduce routing entries and thus, making lookup faster. Lookup faster would mean routing faster.

Default routes are a form of static routes. They can be used for stub networks or last choice routes.

S* is directly connected, Serial0/0/0

They match all packets

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